unlock FVDI-2015
We guarrantee:
Our FVDI-2018 is original FLY FVDI, use Fly software, also connected to FLY company server!
FVDI-2018 from our website, You can go to download the updated software(published on 20th-July-2018) from Fly website:
www.flyobd.com ( ) .
All our original FVDI will support all FLY future update software!
Some sellers are saying we are selling Clone FVDI-2018, because they want to push buyers to buy from them, no other reason. they are liars, not us!
If we sell clone tool, we will write "Clone" in the product title to notify our buyers!
How to unlock original FVDI-2015:
After update, if your FVDI-2015 still has problem, please contact us, our technician can refresh your FVDI firmware.
Recently, too many FVDI-2015 is locked, they are original FVDI-2015!
Only original FVDI-2015 can be locked!
The good news is FLY company has published a new update sfotware on 20th-July-2018, you can go to download from FLY website: www.flyobd.com ( ) .
Or direct use below link(copied from FLY website) to download FVDI-2015 update software :
FVDI2015 v9.0 (published on 20th-July-2018) :
Even the locked original FVDI-2015 can try the above update software.
If still has problem, please feel free to contact us: [email protected]
Clone FVDI-2015:
Our clone version FVDI-2015, if you only use our CD software, it can't be locked!
Please don't use other software!
For Clone FVDI-2015, please only use below software:

FVDI 2015 Installation video via this link: